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online digital classes


Classes take place every Thursday at 7pm... I’ll be live 10mins before for a little catch-up/ coffee before we start.


As the class is digitally on the ELD platform, I can broadcast in your living room, study or wherever you dance!



Thank you so much for showing an interest to attend my online Newline dance classes. If you can’t join me live, do not worry. You will be able to watch the class back in catch up whenever convenient to you. The class fee is £5 per class, payable monthly; that covers you for a whole months access for all past classes (last count 170+ dances taught) and the upcoming classes for that month. Click my below to "WhatsApp Message" me, once payment has been confirmed I’ll issue you with the login details for online class and a link to the tutorial video on how you login, use the platform.


Online Class 2025.jpg


Want to find a particular dance I've taught? Easy peasy... have a browse through my dance rollerdex. All sorted by dance name. Find the dance you want to learn, find the date the class was broadcasted and learn at your leisure the dances YOU want to learn.


Click here for the Rollerdex​

©2006 - Mr dance

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